Friday, April 29, 2005

What tips our lives?

I have just picked up a book called "The Tipping Point". I haven't read it yet; but the premise is this: that anything, at any time, can be the thing which causes a sensation. It could be a 'good' sensation (like a sudden burst of humanitarian efforts due to one incredible program), or a 'bad' sensation (like the Columbine school shooting spree in the Colorado, USA, school - which other kids now copycat).

My effort is to bring compassion and awareness into our lives. My particular passions happen to be wellness and also entertainment. It's for people to see that there is hope - possibility - and gentleness, while also realizing the "truth" that "nothing begets nothing": if you aren't aware, you can't get healthier.

If you aren't aware - you will also keep your friendships, work relationships, and your world-interactions at a superficional (1- or 2- dimensional) level. Perhaps that what someone wants to do: stay stuck, stay closed, stay small, stay hurt, stay unhealthy, stay unhappy, stay addicted, stay frustrated with life, stay lonely, stay in a dark apartment without sunlight, stay drunk, stay broke. That is a choice.

But it's also a choice to meet the world as it truly is, partake in 'possibilities', banish our fears, embark on adventures, love deeply, become healthy & strong...

The best thing to know is that you can have awareness --and change -- at any time.