Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Soooo gone lately

Sorry for people who have been reading this blog and I have gone missing... I've been doing my best Clara Barton for someone very special who has undergone hand surgery. I've actually started this blog several times and had been called away, so if you've missed me, my sincerest apologies.

However, while "nursing", I've discovered many interesting things:

  • One CAN do things with one hand...
  • ... it's just not whatsoever easy, fast, or by rote
  • "Nursing" can encompass any amount of care for someone: getting a drink of water, tying shoes, washing dishes, running errands, doing laundry, fluffing pillows, even scratching a back. Civil War nurses (such as Clara Barton) were not necessarily skilled in any "medicine"; they simply wanted to help the sick and wounded soldiers. "Helping" is almost anything.
  • Even if the "patient" doesn't always say thank you, know deep inside that he/she appreciates the care
  • Some medical personnel remember the issues that the patient encounters; although these procedures are routine for the staff, they are not routine for the patient. Some procedures and encounters are painful, fatiguing, uncomfortable, confusing, and difficult. the best medical personnel are the ones who approach every patient's experiences through the patient's eyes, not through the been-there-done-that attitude of the tired, workworn self.
My laptop computer seems to be ill as well; the display has gone out and I am only able to use it currently while hooked to an external monitor. I am endeavoring to seek solutions, although a $700 replacement of a new display screen was not exactly part of my budget.

Meanwhile, as I sort out my assisting and computer issues, enjoy the Daily Om:
This article changes every day:

The Daily Om