This is my first blog entry, and although I am normally a chatty-Cathy in writing-style, I find myself strangely shy about putting my thoughts in this format. Perhaps there is a learning curve :)
Meanwhile, despite my infancy in blogging, I am experimenting with "planning my day". The theory is that we, as with everything in the world, are inter-connected. The quantum-physicists have been discussing for many years about since matter is not solid (molecules are not 'firm', they have spaces), it can be manipulated. The Buddhists discuss that we are interconnected with each other, trees, the sky, etc, because each of these aspects need one another to live; that we can help affect others have a better day by sending out good thoughts. The Christians discuss prayer and God making things work out for the greater good, but not simply 'for us', so that the Divine is creating reality for us, but that we can help Him affect the world with our prayers. In each case, we are not passive 'accepters' of the world's occurences; we are co-creators of the world.
No matter what anyone specifically believes, we have all encountered examples where "serendipity" occurs; magical moments where amazing things develop which bring people closer, make new creative processes, 'coincidences' happen. I've heard it called "[people] dipping toes in the same Big Pond". Goethe mentions "when one decides on something, then providence moves too; all sorts of things occur to make the decision happen..."
I cannot anymore believe that we are simply victims in the world. We cannot say, "this happened to me", and think there is a great big turd (!) which befalls us everywhere we turn! As a wellness coach, I encourage my clients to assess themselves gently and honestly, and make changes to the aspects which aren't satisfying them.
If we have seen how awful things happen we we are having a bad day, can we make good things happen simply by planning them... and being ready if they don't happen as 'planned'? Can we actually wake up and 'decide' on wonderful things occurring (non-specific wonderful things, of course), so that we "create" our day, our week, our month? Can things which do occur which are inconvenient, actually happen so we have a better, more growing experience next?
I am starting this. Starting today, I have awoken with joy and gratitude, noting the wonderful things around me, and wishing for more of the same joy. I am not being specific about what I "need"; that is, I am not saying, "I need a million dollars dropped in unmarked bills on my front lawn" (although that would be awesome! ;) ). I am simply actively noting my interconnectedness o the world and offering myself in exchange for growth, learning, joy, and sustenance. I would like creative (artistic) opportunities which will fulfill my bill-paying needs. I would like to travel and learn, so I may pass the experiences to others. I imagine my dearest loved ones laughing, smiling, and having a great day. I imagine phone calls arriving to me with requests for unusual and creative things, enlightening visits with friends and associates, and peace inside them and me.
I sit in my plant-filled sunny-yellow sunroom, in my stuffed comfy chair, with the spring air flowing through, loud birds calling to one another, leaves bursting from their winter cocoons inside the tree branches, my cats watching nature's drama and joys unfold from their window perches, and I am so very grateful. With this gratitude I want to create more life -- more life for myself, and then for others, where we can experience the diversity of living.