Far be it for me to explain what so many better scholars, teachers, and sages have created, but it's given me some relaxation to read about allowing the universal energies to happen... one of the key words being "allowing"; not forcing, not resisting.
As the Wikipedia (the online public encyclopedia) discusses,
"In the Taoist view, simplicity and patience go hand in hand with compassion. These three qualities are inseparable.
Simplicity is a wonderful description of the style of the Taoist sage. He is not bound by any rules, authority or his own ego. He simply does what is necessary because it is necessary. He is uncomplicated and direct. He is sincere and honest. There are no hidden agendas clouding his mind. His insight is acute and incisive. His actions are pure and direct. They come straight from his true self.
His patience is the patience of someone without agendas and without an ego to obey. He has no ambitions driving him to action. He has the wisdom of someone who understands the whole, and who is not personally involved. He is part of the natural flow of things, and he has the detachment to wait until the time is right.
His compassion is all-encompassing, and includes himself. In fact, compassion springs from one's goodness to one's Self."